More photos from the shoot this evening. It amazes me sometimes how many things I can find to photograph. I think one of the reasons I have this blog is to show people you don't have to travel far to find interesting photos....there are enough things in your own backyard to keep you busy for a lifetime.
Landon Winery (bottom) is a nice local winery that gets its grapes from California; LaMisha Bistro (middle) is a classy European-style restaurant with walls lined with the work of local artists and great food; and Cafe Malaga (near top) is a great and affordable Tapas Restaurant with wonderful atmosphere and an asparagus wrapped in prosciutto tapa that is to die for (or to kill for, because if you were to die you could hardly enjoy this present to your tastebuds!). The restaurant is also next to the location of James W. Throckmorton's (Governor of Texas during the early years of Reconstruction, and later Congressman from Texas) law office which is a Texas Historical Landmark.
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