Friday, December 19, 2008

Wilson Creek Nature Trail and Meditation Garden

Here are some more pics from my Tuesday trip down the street to the Towne Lake Recreation Area and Nature Trail. Along the trail, the squirrels (pronounced a little like "squiddels" if you are English, which will throw you off a little bit if you are an American hearing it for the first time...) were out in force, including one who seemed to be having a bad fur day. You could hear them before you saw them, for you would hear this odd-sounding "scritching" noise, then look around to see what creature was about to maul you, only to find a squirrel nibbling in a state of carefree nirvana upon a nut.

I also discovered the Howell Meditation Garden (second pic from the bottom) in the center of the trail area, which I did not know about. Apparently the area was dedicated in 2007. It is indeed a nice area for quiet reflection.

I refelected upon how cold my hands were getting....

1 comment:

E @ Scottsville said...

I like the 1st one with the squirrel. I looked out my office window this morning and there were THREE sitting right outside the front of our house. Wish I'd had my camera in hand fast enough!